Cutting Edge Technologies
The best testing in the industry requires more than just bright minds adn willing hands- it means giving those great researchers the machinery they need to be successful. Synergy WorldWide has invested heavily in state-of-the-art testing equipment to maintain our position as the quality leader.
QA Labs

Bin System
Our production facilties feature an L. B. Bihle bin mixing system. The bin system consists of four conical mills, 40 mixing bins, a PM 2000 bin mixer, an HS 2000 bin hoist, a pilot bin mixer with 300-L abd 50-L bins for development purposes, and a two station bin washing system with HEPA-filtered bin drying rooms.

We employ two sizes of bins, 800-L and 1800-L. After use, each bin is cleaned in special bin-washing rooms. Using filtered water, we wash each bin with detergent and pure water rinses. Clean bins are then taken to a specially constructed drying room, which is heated to 140 degree Fahrenheit. HEPA-filtered air eliminates the chances of contamination as the bin dry.
More cutting-edge technologies in the next post!
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