Cutting Edge Technologies part 3
Air Quality
Synergy’s manufacturing facility is built to limit every possible form of contamination, right down to the air inside the building. A special air filtration system helps eliminate airborne contaminants throughout the facility by passing 100 percent outside air through high-efficiency filtration and into the processing areas.Air is then exhausted through a dust-collection system and is not re-circulated into any other areas of the building.Pressure differentials are also used in certain areas to control the airflow and limit the potential of cross-contamination.
Liquid Processing

This is a Clean in Place (CIP) system, meaning it uses a self-contained, automatic process to clean itself. Other systems have to be torn down and the individual parts cleaned separately—the CIP system is more efficient and the cleaning process has been validated by our quality assurance personnel.
For example, we process Mistica using the most sophisticated liquid processing system in the industry. This enhances both the flavour and the beneficial elements of the Brazilina acai fruit, including anthocyanins, essential fatty acids, amino acids, and plant sterols.
Tablet Production and Coating
Four tablet presses run five days a week with two shifts per day. Tablets are closely monitored to ensure proper processing and quality.Operators regularly test the weight, hardness and dissolution of tablets to make sure they meet specifications.
Three high-velocity Manesty presses turn out more than 75,000 tablets an hour, and one Stokes 550 press produces another 20,000 tablets per hour. Presses are chosen based on the production specifications for each product.
The presses receive raw material from the floor above and compress it using two tons of pressure. Compressed tablets are collected and taken to the coating room, where two 60-inch Accelacoaters spray the tablets with a coating solution as they’re rotated in a pan.Tablet coating is a delicate process, so operators closely monitor each step.
More in part 4...
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