Cutting Edge Technologies part 2

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bin Charging and Mixing
Bin charging begins in the Issuing Room where quality-tested, approved raw materials are measured. Each ingredient passes through a conical mill, which ensures that any clumps are sifted into fine powder. The conical mills empty into a tube leading to a collection bin.

Once all of the raw materials for a formula are loaded into the bin, it is weighed and compared to specifications to verify that the formula is complete. The bin is then sealed with an airtight lid to keep out dust or any other airborne particles as it is transported within the facility. This not only protects against foreign contamination, it prevents cross-contamination from product to product and ensures our formulas are pure and clean from start to finish.

Sealed bins are taken to the mixing room where they are attached to the bin hoist and mixer. The bin is raised and gently rolled by the mixer to create an even blend. Tooling in the lid of the bin helps to stir the materials as the bin is rolled. This method provides excellent mixing efficiency and preserves the integrity of individual granules.

Water Purification
Water is a key ingredient in many products, and Synergy WorldWide has outfitted our manufacturing facilities with state-of-the-art water purification systems to support our liquid line. Reverse osmosis technology guarantees that the water in our liquid products is of the highest quality.

We use a four-stage purification system:

1. Culinary water is routed through a carbon bed filtration system to remove chlorine and any other chemicals that may have been added to the water supply.
2. A water softening system reduces the mineral content of the water.

3. The softened water passes through a reverse osmosis water purifier and an ultraviolet sterilizer to    remove any remaining impurities.

4. The finished water is sent to a sterilized 1,200-gallon storage tank for safe keeping.

This purified water is routed through a continuously circulating loop that runs throughout the plant.Before it enters the distribution loop, it’s filtered again by a 1.0 micron pre-filter, another UV sterilizer, and a 0.2 micron absolute filter.This pure, filtered water is used in all of our liquid products and for our cleaning needs within the plant.

Part 3 coming!

Kuan Hoong

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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