Recognition: Malaysia Team Leader Ng Kim Pa

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Inspiration comes in many forms. For Ng Kim Pa, he found inspiration in the many wonders of ProAgi-9 Plus by Synergy. “The Synergy product, ProArgi-9 Plus inspired me the most because of its effectiveness in improving my health,” he said.

As a factory manufacturing consultant, Kim Pa is constantly on the go. But currently at the age of 61, he is experiencing some health issues. “I was having finger numbness when I wake up in the morning and I always feel bit tired when walking up the stairs,” he said. He quickly sought out help from Alex Boh. And that’s when Kim Pa first came to know about ProArgi-9 Plus.

Shortly, after 3 months, his condition improved significantly, and an elated Kim Pa signed up as a Team Member. “I introduced ProArgi-9 Plus to my friends and I asked them to try,” he said. “Their blood pressure and sugar level normalized, and some even managed to clear their blocked arteries.”

As his confidence grew, so does his team of dedicated downlines. Kim Pa put a lot of emphasis on commitment and team building among his donwlines, and he’s able to see noticeable results. “I have regular meetings with my downlines, and I am very lucky to have devoted downlines,” he said proudly. “We worked together as a team, day in, day out. Our efforts and teamwork has allowed me to achieve Team Leader!”

 “I would like to thank Alex and all team members for the sincere help and support I received along my journey in Synergy.” Kim Pa said. “Special thanks to all my family members, brothers and sisters.”

Synergy WorldWide

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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