Rules of Fearless Contacting by Peppe Lucio, Pearl Executive
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
People from all over Europe always ask me for my network marketing success secrets. My answer is simple and is always the same: duplication. How do we duplicate? Engage others daily, speak passionately, and never stop doing either of these things.
Learning how to contact and speak to people is the hardest part of this business. Once you figure out how to connect with others, everything else comes easily.
Don’t be afraid
Sharing Synergy’s opportunities with others is our main objective. If we want to change lives we must learn how to be fearless and open our mouths.
If you truly believe in what you're doing it should be easy to approach someone and say, “Hello, how are you? I want to speak with you about a beautiful project I’m working on with a special company if I can have 15-20 minutes of your time.”
The people you speak to need to feel your energy. We must recruit not just to recruit, but to build something that lasts. We must continue to do this day after day, always learning from what works and what doesn’t.
If you truly believe in what you're doing it should be easy to approach someone and say, “Hello, how are you? I want to speak with you about a beautiful project I’m working on with a special company if I can have 15-20 minutes of your time.”
The people you speak to need to feel your energy. We must recruit not just to recruit, but to build something that lasts. We must continue to do this day after day, always learning from what works and what doesn’t.
Be ready to speak up

I travel constantly and find myself sitting next to new faces on a daily basis. I’ll often talk to the person I sit next to on the train and tell them I’m headed to a meeting to discuss an exciting business opportunity. I give them my card and I ask if I can send a few brochures and product samples to their home and then follow up with them later. Growth in your business begins with the word, “Hello.”
Have meaningful conversations
Many of my colleagues make the mistake of beginning conversations by talking about the products. The person you have approached with your product proposition will almost always say they aren’t interested or they’re using another line of products. This is where conversations come to a dead end.
Instead, begin your conversation by explaining that a company called Synergy WorldWide has the power to change their life. Introducing the product comes later. Tell your contact that you are working on a project that can improve their life. This is a real opportunity, not just another company trying to take a handful of money from you. When you prove to them that you are in the business of helping them achieve greatness, you’ll find that they start listening more intently.
Instead, begin your conversation by explaining that a company called Synergy WorldWide has the power to change their life. Introducing the product comes later. Tell your contact that you are working on a project that can improve their life. This is a real opportunity, not just another company trying to take a handful of money from you. When you prove to them that you are in the business of helping them achieve greatness, you’ll find that they start listening more intently.
You should then ask what they want to get out of the opportunity. We need to specialize in putting ourselves in other people’s shoes. If we make a good connection with our contacts, awakening their hearts, their minds and their passions, they will join us. If we can help them pinpoint the areas of their lives that could be improved with Synergy’s opportunity, they will begin to understand Synergy WorldWide’s greater purpose—leaving a legacy.
Perhaps the most impactful thing you can share with a prospective distributor is your own success story, including what you did before joining Synergy WorldWide and what improvements have been made since then. Practice telling your story in 1-2 minutes. They’ll be more inclined to learn more if there is proof that this opportunity worked for you. Above all else, we are changing lives through financial freedom. The product is the engine that allows us to obtain financial freedom. Before selling a product, we sell a way of life with unlimited possibilities.
Perhaps the most impactful thing you can share with a prospective distributor is your own success story, including what you did before joining Synergy WorldWide and what improvements have been made since then. Practice telling your story in 1-2 minutes. They’ll be more inclined to learn more if there is proof that this opportunity worked for you. Above all else, we are changing lives through financial freedom. The product is the engine that allows us to obtain financial freedom. Before selling a product, we sell a way of life with unlimited possibilities.
Never stop searching

We often wander blindly in our own lives, simply trying to get through the days. Most people are letting their lives pass them by. Many people have dreams, but attaining those dreams is out of the question because they don’t have the means or resources to go after them. I make sure to tell new contacts that in order to get the things they want in life they must change themselves. I want people to dream again. We are living in a world where we do not dream and we want people to know that we have the tools to help them dream again.
Malaysia Title Plus Cash Reward and Incentive Qualifiers
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
We would also like to congratulate the following Team Members for their efforts in our Title Plus Promotion. Their hardwork earned them cash rewards:Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Fu Huey Fen RM 1775.00
Ng Kim Pa RM 1242.50
Chan Huan Seng RM 1242.50
Loh Chee Kuang RM 532.50
Cheah Hock Khoon RM 177.50
Chieng Tiong Ling RM 177.50
Su Teng Liang RM 177.50
Yew Shot Foon RM 88.75
Yeo Sio Chwee RM 88.75
Koay Boon Leong RM 88.75
Also, these Team Members qualified for our Title Plus Incentive Trip to Yogyakarta, Jawa, in Indonesia to attend the Synergy Indonesia National Summit.
Alex Boh Fu Huey Fen
Wai Siew Hong Ng KIm Pa
Yu Siew Ing Chan Choung Ming
Loh Chee Kuang
Recognition: Malaysia Team Leader Ng Kim Pa
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Inspiration comes in many forms. For Ng Kim Pa, he found inspiration in the many wonders of ProAgi-9 Plus by Synergy. “The Synergy product, ProArgi-9 Plus inspired me the most because of its effectiveness in improving my health,” he said.
As a factory manufacturing consultant, Kim Pa is constantly on the go. But currently at the age of 61, he is experiencing some health issues. “I was having finger numbness when I wake up in the morning and I always feel bit tired when walking up the stairs,” he said. He quickly sought out help from Alex Boh. And that’s when Kim Pa first came to know about ProArgi-9 Plus.
Shortly, after 3 months, his condition improved significantly, and an elated Kim Pa signed up as a Team Member. “I introduced ProArgi-9 Plus to my friends and I asked them to try,” he said. “Their blood pressure and sugar level normalized, and some even managed to clear their blocked arteries.”
As his confidence grew, so does his team of dedicated downlines. Kim Pa put a lot of emphasis on commitment and team building among his donwlines, and he’s able to see noticeable results. “I have regular meetings with my downlines, and I am very lucky to have devoted downlines,” he said proudly. “We worked together as a team, day in, day out. Our efforts and teamwork has allowed me to achieve Team Leader!”
“I would like to thank Alex and all team members for the sincere help and support I received along my journey in Synergy.” Kim Pa said. “Special thanks to all my family members, brothers and sisters.”
Recognition: Malaysia Team Leader: Wai Siew Hong
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Prior to
her fateful journey in Synergy, Wai Siew Hong has been working in the Health
and Environmental industry, selling medical and environmental products. But a
fateful encounter led her to Synergy, and her life changed for the better.Thursday, September 10, 2015
troubled by sensitive skin, she sought after medical advices from a family
doctor. He recommended ProArgi-9 Plus. Siew Hong was intrigued by the many
health benefits ProArgi-9 Plus can bring, and she decided to study further.
She met up
with Joe Lee and Leong, among other distributors in Malaysia, and she learned in
greater details about the ProArgi-9 Plus. That spearheaded her journey in
Synergy, and she never looked back since.
She’s been
actively promoting Synergy’s products such as ProArgi-9 Plus and SLM Meal
Shake, and she receives positive responses. “ProArgi-9 Plus is one of the most
unique products by Synergy WorldWide,” she said. “It’s listed in the
Physicians’ Desk Reference, and that’s a huge selling point!”
From small
meet-ups, health forums, and large seminars, Siew Hong patiently worked with
her team of passionate downlines. With the help from her sponsors and uplines,
she is advancing steadily in her Synergy business. “My sincere gratitude to Joe
Lee, Leong, Alex Boh and Philip for all the support though out my journey.”
Now, Siew
Hong and her team are taking a leap of faith, crossing boundaries to uncharted
markets, such as Hong Kong, Indonesia, and China. “I have faith in Synergy’s
products, because the products speak for themselves,” she said.
Her most
recent achievement as Team Leader is merely a beginning of many good things to
come in Synergy. “Set up to help whoever in need. We have one of the most
wonderful food and health supplements in the world, backed by science and
technology,” she said. “You reap what you sow. Sincerity is key to the
business. Help others, and your business will definitely grow leaps and
Heart Disease: 5 Things You Can Do to Prevent It
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
Simple lifestyle changes can go a long way in reducing the risk of heart disease
In Singapore, 15 people on average die from heart disease and stroke every day. Fortunately, basic lifestyle changes can go a long way towards keeping cardiovascular disease at bay.5 lifestyle changes to care for your heart and prevent heart disease
1. Stop smoking
Everyone knows cigarette smoking causes lung cancer but did you know that smokers are 3 times
more likely to have a heart attack than to develop lung cancer? “If
you’ve had a heart attack, the single most important thing you can do to
prevent a second one is to quit smoking,” says Asst Prof Tan. Smoking
up to 5 cigarettes daily increases the risk of a heart attack by 40 per
cent. This would effectively cancel the protective effects conferred by
taking medications.
Inhaled nicotine causes blood vessels to clamp down, forcing the heart to pump harder and faster to push blood through the smaller vessels. This affects the lining of the blood vessels making it easier for fat and calcium deposits to accumulate, further narrowing the arteries. The carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke also reduces the oxygen supply in tissues. Lung irritation and breathing difficulties further strain your heart.
How to quit smoking:
Here are some tips on how to quit smoking:
- Make a conscious effort to cut down smoking over 2 or 3 weeks and then stop smoking altogether. At first, you may want to change your daily routine if you associate smoking with specific activities.
- Begin by giving up the first cigarette of the day. Subsequently, give up the second, then the third. Every day, try to go a little longer without a cigarette.
- Take more fluids, fresh fruits and vegetables. If you are used to having a cigarette in your mouth, have non-sugar lozenges or low calorie sweets instead.
- Tell your friends and family that you’re quitting, and politely (but firmly) decline when invited for ‘smoke breaks’. During the first days, try spending more time with non-smokers.
- Speak to your doctor. Your doctor may refer you to a specialist smoking cessation clinic which has been shown to improve your chances of quitting the habit. There are also medications, special nicotine patches and chewing gum that can help someone kick the smoking habit.
2. Maintain a healthy weight
Excess weight is associated with a higher incidence of high cholesterol, high blood pressure (hypertension) and type 2 diabetes (diabetes mellitus) – all of which contribute to the onset of heart disease. For every 10 kg of weight you lose, you can potentially reduce your systolic blood pressure by 20 mmHg.The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a good way to check if your weight is in the healthy range. The BMI formula is:
BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m) x Height (m)
Having a BMI between 18 to 22.9 is considered ideal.
Your risk for heart disease is also influenced by your body shape. Accumulation of fat around the waist (central obesity or so-called “apple” body shape) has been linked to a higher cardiovascular disease than fat accumulated around the hips and thighs (“pear” body shape).
Beyond your general body shape, your body fat distribution can also be assessed by the following waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) formula:
WHR = Waist circumference (cm) / Hip circumference (cm)
The healthy ratio for males should
be less than 1. In females, it should be less than 0.8. Studies have
shown that individuals of an acceptable weight but with central obesity
are at a 3 times higher risk of heart disease compared to individuals
with no accumulation of fat around their abdomen.
3. Eat healthy
By choosing foods low in fat, cholesterol, sodium and sugar but high in fibre, you can reduce your risk of developing heart disease and other chronic illnesses. Here are the basic ways you can improve your diet for the sake of your heart:- Lower your fat intake. Avoid deep fried foods, adopt low-fat cooking methods and choose lean meat. Stir-frying, boiling or even steaming methods of food preparation will significantly lower the fat content of your dishes.
- Reduce your cholesterol intake. Limit your consumption of organ meats, shellfish, prawns and crabs.
- Cut down on your sodium intake. If you cook, use less salt and monosodium glutamate. Foods with hidden salt such as preserved vegetables should be consumed in moderation. A salt-free diet can potentially lower systolic blood pressure by up to 8 mmHg.
- Consume less sugar. Choose plain water, plain tea or coffee instead of highly sweetened fruit-flavoured and syrup drinks. Processed drinks and fruit juices are “hidden calories”. Recent studies have demonstrated that up to 22 per cent of our dietary calories may come from sweetened drinks and fruit juices.
- Increase your fibre intake. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and choose high-fibre alternatives to rice and cereal products. Celery for example is a good source of fibre. It only gives 6 calories per stalk which may be less than what is required by the body to digest it.
4. Exercise regularly
Exercise is an essential component in maintaining a healthy heart. This holds true for healthy individuals and patients with existing coronary artery disease. Regular physical activity, especially those types that involve large muscle groups such as swimming, walking, Pilates and yoga, produces cardiovascular adaptations that increase exercise capacity, endurance and strength.Besides fending off cardiovascular disease and other death-causing disorders, regular exercise also helps you to:
- Lose weight effectively. Combining dieting with regular exercise is the most effective way to burn excess kilos.
- Relieve stress. Feel-good brain chemicals called endorphins are released during exercise, helping to combat anxiety and depression. Although blood pressure is elevated during exercise (which is normal), after the activity, the blood pressure is generally lower as most of our blood vessels are dilated. Exercise will generally lead to a lower blood pressure, helping you to keep it under control.
- Sleep better. With regular exercise, you’ll fall asleep faster and have little trouble staying awake during the day.
5. Manage your stress
Apart from causing headaches, insomnia and digestive problems, stress can also raise blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as encourage you to eat too much and smoke more. In fact, recent research shows that within two hours of an angry outburst, a person’s risk of heart attack nearly gets multiplied by 5.No one can eliminate stress entirely, but you can learn to cope with stress better.
- Exercise regularly as it offers a calming effect that lasts longer than the exercise itself.
- Take a short walk or have a quiet moment alone when stress starts to build.
- Have enough sleep. Studies have shown sleeping less than 4 hours daily is associated with an increase in coronary artery disease. Ideally one should sleep for 6-8 hours each day.
Article written by Alvin Chumari for HealthXchange.
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- Recognition: Malaysia Team Leader: Wai Siew Hong
- Heart Disease: 5 Things You Can Do to Prevent It
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