Message from our Asia Pacific Vice President amd GM, Fredrik Widell
Monday, December 23, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Listen to what our Asia Pacific Vice President and G.M, Mt Fredrik Widell has to say. Also available in Pulse Home Page.
The Management
Synergy WorldWide
Forbes Names Nature's Sunshine/Synergy WorldWide one of America’s Most Trustworthy Companies
Monday, November 25, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013

Nature’s Sunshine (NATR), the parent company and valued partner of Synergy WorldWide, is one of just four companies in the entire pharmaceuticals category to make it on this prestigious list. Of the four, Nature's Sunshine/Synergy holds the highest AGR score (92 out of 100).* Furthermore, we are the only direct selling company listed.
This honor further demonstrates the continuing commitment of Synergy WorldWide and Nature's Sunshine to integrity in every facet of our business practices.
How is such a list created?
Forbes relies on GMI Ratings for help in ranking companies on the trustworthiness scale. GMI (GovernanceMetrics International) looks at 60 different governance and forensic accounting measures. Companies with the most accounting transparency, the lowest incidence of high-risk events and those that have appropriate Board supervision typically rank the highest. Other determining factors include penalties for excessive executive compensation, high turnover among management, high levels of short-term executive compensation, etc.
GMI examines over 8,000 publically traded companies and assigns a risk score quarterly. Companies on the top 100 list must have market caps of $250 million or more. And they may not have amended filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, no SEC enforcement actions and no material restatements.
*AGR score is the accounting and governance risk score. For more information, visit
2013 October to December Regional Newsletter
Monday, November 25, 2013
Dear Members,Monday, November 25, 2013
Get the latest updates from our regional newsletter!
Read and download our newsletter in English and Chinese!
See link here.
Dr. Böger on ProArgi-9+, ADMA and Synergy
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Earlier today, Dr. Rainer Böger called
from Germany to be joined by a large number of listeners. As this month's Cardio
Call special guest, he explained ProArgi-9+ and the way it acts in the body. If
you were unable to join the call don't worry— the call has been recorded
and you can listen to it here at your convenience.

Click to listen to the 2013 October Cardio Call with Dr. Rainer Böger.
Remember, you can listen to a variety of past Cardio Call recordings at any time by clicking the "Resources" tab at the top of this page.
Dr. Böger on ADMA
Some of the major achievements of Dr. Böger's career involve his research on asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) as a risk marker of vascular disease. In today's Cardio Call, he took time to address the subject of ADMA and a misunderstanding that is becoming all too common in the industry.
Some have suggested that because ADMA blocks l-arginine that it thereby cancels out all potential benefits of ProArgi-9+ in the body. However, the truth as pointed out by Dr. Böger is that the presence of ADMA in a person's body is the very reason high quality l-arginine supplementation is so necessary.
"We see 2 out of 3 people have a deficite in l-arginine," says Dr. Böger. "This, in most people, is not true because they have such low levels of arginine in the blood, but because they have high levels of ADMA in the blood. When someone has high ADMA, that person is in need of additional arginine from a dietary supplement. People who have high ADMA have a high need of l-arginine from ProArgi-9+. We have data to show that for explicitly those with a high ADMA, l-arginine supplements will work well. For those with a low ADMA, the need to have a high dose of arginine supplements is not so great."
Be sure to listen to the rest of the recording as he explores this subject in greater detail.
About Dr. Böger
Professor Rainer H. Böger, MD, is a leading expert in L-arginine research and member of Synergy’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Board.
After receiving his initial medical training at Hannover Medical School in Hannover, Germany, Dr. Böger then received his postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and Pharmacology both in Hannover and at Stanford University School of Medicine in Stanford, CA.
Dr. Böger is currently the Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Director of the Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology at Hamburg University Medical Center, Germany. He is also Director of the Clinical Trial Center North at Hamburg University.
Dr. Böger’s scientific work centers on the early diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular related diseases. Dating back to the beginning of his medical career, Dr. Böger has been heavily involved in the research and treatment of cardiovascular related diseases. In 1991, while working closely with pharmaceutical drug companies to develop treatments that could combat and alleviate such diseases, he became highly interested in nitric oxide (NO) and its effects on the vascular system.
Over 23 years of academic research has been conducted by Dr. Böger in basic science and clinical studies related to L-arginine and its influence on the body’s ability to produce NO.
Dr. Böger collaborates with renowned institutions like the Mayo Clinic and Stanford University Medical Center. Dr. Böger’s extensive knowledge, expertise, and ongoing research clearly set him apart as one of the world’s leading L-arginine experts
Join us for next month's Cardio Call on November 13, 2013.
Global Summit Summary & Recap Video
Thursday, October 10, 2013
The 2013 Global Summit, held in Seoul, Korea,
was nothing short of inspiring. The jaw-dropping performances and immaculate
venue added pizzazz to an event that was already brimming with enthusiasm. When
4,000 Synergy Team Members come together, there is an undeniable
energy.Thursday, October 10, 2013
A huge thank you to leaders and staff in Korea who organized a monumental event that will go down in Synergy WorldWide history. This extraordinary team created the perfect atmosphere in which to congratulate Team Members for their hard-earned advancements.
The week started with city tours, where Team Members spent the majority of the day exploring historic and cultural landmarks. Later that evening, Team Members who achieved Team Director and above gathered for a VIP Reception in the Coex Conference Center, complete with delicious catering and unique musical performances.
Day two began with country meetings and proceeded into the opening session, where each country paraded across an extravagant stage set before thousands of their peers, friends, and above all, Synergy family. All who attended felt the pride each Team Member has for their country and for this incredible company. Dr. Stacey Bell kicked off the official launch of SLMsmart, Synergy’s weight management system, in Korea. All SLMsmart products and other swag were available for purchase in the Synergy store.
Throughout the course of the event, Team Members witnessed the talent of world-class performers, viewing a laser light show, drummers, vocalists and other authentic Korean musical numbers.
All Team Members who rank advanced were put in the spotlight on the final day, and some were celebrated in an explosion of confetti, smoke and applause. Five were recognized for achieving presidential status and above, while seven Team Members were ushered into the Million Dollar Club.
Double Presidential
• Hwang Han Tae
• Hwang Yoon Tae
• Mads Østvang
• Park, Young Ok
• Kim, Bok Jong
Million Dollar Club Inductees
• Park, Young Ok
• Kim, Bok Jong
• Martin Østvang
• Hakan Cetin
• David Johnston
• Scott Brumfield
• Marty & Heather Holker
While many individuals were celebrated during this ceremony, it was truly a celebration for the many achievements ALL of Synergy’s Team Members have had across the globe.
Connected as a global company, we felt support and passion from each market, and know this passion is what keeps Synergy WorldWide thriving year after year. Our Team Members are the lifeblood of the company, and it was truly a privilege to join with so many of you and build momentum for the coming year.
Until we meet again!
Global Summit Day 2 Photos
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
September 28, in Seoul Korea, Synergy
held its second and final official day of Global
Summit sessions. Fantastic Team Members were celebrated and recognized as the
whole crowd enjoyed entertainment, messages, trainings and important remarks
from leaders including Synergy Founder Dan Higginson.
Click on any of the photos below to enlarge.
Click on any of the photos below to enlarge.
Global Summit Day 1 Photos
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Enjoy a few of the latest pictures from Seoul, Korea!
Executive Message from Dan Norman
Friday, September 06, 2013
Friday, September 06, 2013

I commend our Team Members across the globe for their noteworthy achievements this summer. By looking at our impressive numbers, it is clear that we have many supportive and effective leaders in our ranks. In July alone, two Team Members rank advanced to Emerald Executive, while four advanced to Pearl Executive. Congratulations to the following individuals:
- Gyun Han Lee, Emerald Executive (Korea)
- Hendro Soeyoto, Emerald Executive (Indonesia)
- Mi Ae Kim, Pearl Executive (Korea)
- Nurhamzah, Pearl Executive (Indonesia)
- Miimu Jaatinen, Pearl Executive (Finland)
- Emilia Agussalim & Ricky Steven Theixar, Pearl Executives (Indonesia)
As you reach your goals, you help your teams do the same, ultimately creating a chain reaction of wellness in your communities. A steadily increasing number of people are finding the life-enriching physical and financial benefits of Synergy products. Many of you are reaching great heights in this company, and we expect this momentum to continue indefinitely as you share the Synergy Advantage to the world.
Global Summit 2013
All of your successes this year are cause to celebrate, and with the highly anticipated 2013 Global Summit around the corner, we have the opportunity to unite in Seoul, Korea, and applaud you for your hard work. Growth in rank advancements is one of many exciting progressions Synergy has seen in recent months. We broke into the weight management market when we launched SLMsmart in the United States. This natural weight management system has helped many distributors and customers reach their weight loss goals, and we are proud to announce that this line of product will be available in Korea upon its international debut at the Global Summit. We are eager to see the positive impact these powerful products have on Korean Team Members’ businesses and their quality of life. Our executive team is looking forward to sharing more about Synergy WorldWide’s future at the Global Summit.
New Chief Scientific Officer
Our No. 1 priority at Synergy is creating high-potency, natural products that are of the highest quality. However, this is unattainable without the expertise of our distinguished team of scientists. In May we welcomed Dr. Matthew Tripp, Ph.D., as the new Chief Scientific Officer—an integral leader at our manufacturing facility. His extensive background in research and development, including many years’ in Fortune 500 companies, makes him a fundamental addition. We are honored to have Dr. Tripp aboard and commit to continue bringing only the most reputable professionals to our team.
Pro-Argi9+ in the Medical World
Medical specialists across the United States have manufacturers’ prescribing information at their fingertips through the annually published Physicians’ Desk Reference. ProArgi-9+ will make its first appearance in the PDR’s 68th edition coming 2014. Anyone with access to the PDR can read a full legal description about our best-selling product. This publication is not only available to physicians, but is available through various bookstores and electronic libraries, making information about our product available to the masses. The PDR is the most respected and recognized medical reference book available today, which means ProArgi-9+—and Synergy WorldWide—will receive more traffic and notoriety. We hope this publicity encourages more people to discover ProArgi-9+ and its value in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Legacy Retreat 2014

Dan Norman
Synergy WorldWide
Synergy to Launch New Markets
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

This is the first step in welcoming new markets to the Synergy experience. We couldn’t be more excited to increase our reach and share Synergy’s life-changing values and products with even more people.
As of today, August 1, 2013, potential distributors in Italy, Slovenia and Iceland can join our team. See the links below to find your pre-launch form and get started! After you fill out the pre-launch form, refer to the contact information listed on the form and send it to our corporate office.
Click here to access Italy’s pre-launch form.
Click here to access Italy's pre-launch form in English.
This is just the beginning of many things to look forward to in Italy. Now that we have reached the pre-launch phase, we can look forward to Italy’s full launch in October 2013. At this time, Synergy’s distributors in Italy can expect to order product, receive commission, and have access to Italian versions of all essential resources—brochures, videos and forms—that Synergy provides to its Team Members. Synergy’s Italian website and back office “Pulse” will also be accessible. Italy will have everything necessary to foster thriving businesses and change people’s lives with the Synergy Advantage.
Click here to access Slovenia’s pre-launch form.
Click here to access Slovenia's pre-launch form in English.
By early September 2013, Synergy will execute a soft launch in Slovenia, giving distributors in this country the ability to order product, receive product and earn commissions. Slovenia’s full launch is slated for 2014.
Click here to access Iceland’s pre-launch form.
Click here to access Iceland's pre-launch form in English.
By early September 2013, Synergy will execute a soft launch in Iceland, giving distributors in this country the ability to order product, receive product and earn commissions. Those interested in accessing English distributor resources can do so.
Incredible opportunities await Synergy WorldWide in each of these countries. We are excited to see what the future holds!
SLMsmart Interviews and Videos
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Earlier this year,
Synergy WorldWide proudly launched the SLMsmart System and product line for North America. Now,
Synergy is making it easier than ever for people to learn the science behind
SLMsmart, and to see why SLMsmart is the superior weight-management system in
the industry.Tuesday, August 27, 2013
A new line of videos has been added to the Resources tab. These videos include product and
overall-system explanations directly from Dr. Stacey Bell, the expert behind the SLMsmart system. We
encourage everyone to take the time to educate yourself on the SLMsmart science,
so you can have the knowledge, power and confidence to achieve results for
yourself and help others do the same.
Howard Hannemann Interviews Doctor
One of the biggest video projects added to the SLMsmart Resources
collection is a recent interview held at the Synergy corporate office. Director
of Sales Howard Hannemann sat down with Dr. Bell to learn the "why" behind
SLMsmart. As she answered Howard's questions, Dr. Bell explained how SLMsmart
compares to the competition, why the diet industry is so large, how Team Members
can effectively share the system with others, and more.
For your convenience, the Resources tab features the entire interview broken up into
seven short segments, each segment focusing on a different topic. You can also
find the full version of the interview on the site or view it
More to Come, Stay Tuned!
If you would like to know more about SLMsmart, Synergy invites you to check the Resources tab often, as more videos are planned to be added to the Resources tab. In fact, Synergy intends to populate the tab with a variety of helpful tips and articles in the near future. Be sure to like Synergy Central on Facebook for updates.
Testimonial page updated!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Dear Team Members, Wednesday, May 29, 2013
We just updated our "Testimonial page" in Pulse.
Log in to Pulse to read and download these testimonials now!
The Management
Synergy WorldWide
2013 Apr to Jun Newsletter now in 3 languages
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bahasa Melayu
Check out our newsletter by clicking on the links above!
Also includes:
1. Testimonies
2. Rank Advancements
3. 2013 Synergy Global Summit updates
For information on Title Plus Promotion, click >>>>>>>>
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Want to enjoy an all-expense-paid trip to Seoul, Korea to participate in our Global Summit?
Take part in our Title Plus Promotion and earn Trip Incentive Points (TIPs) as well as monthly cash bonuses when you achieve new rank between January to July 2013.
For more information, click on the image link in your Pulse home page [Bottom Right]
Terms and condition applies.
The Management
Synergy WorldWide
Thai Regional Summit Recap
Monday, January 07, 2013
Monday, January 07, 2013
Day 1
The magnificent Thailand played host to South East Asia’s greatest event of 2012: The 2012 Synergy Regional Summit. The land of smiles welcomes Team Members from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. In all, more than 1,000 energetic Team Members participated in the event, where they trained with top medical practitioners, shared interesting ideas, and experienced Synergy’s latest products in this exciting 2-day event!
And for such a great event, it’s only
fitting to hold our regional summit in the most impressive Centara Grand at
Central World. As one of the largest hotel in the Asia Pacific, Centara Grand
is a 5-star hotel that offers excellent service and delicious feasts. The
center’s dynamic design was inspired by the unique shape of a “Blooming Lotus”
that combines the symbolic theme of the four elements of life: water, fire,
earth and air.
Such symbolic design aptly describes our progress, particularly in South East Asia: We bloomed with harmony in the midst of different cultures, languages, and religions. It created the most prefect atmosphere for our staff and Team Members world-wide, and this is what Synergy WorldWide calls a real network marketing!
Such symbolic design aptly describes our progress, particularly in South East Asia: We bloomed with harmony in the midst of different cultures, languages, and religions. It created the most prefect atmosphere for our staff and Team Members world-wide, and this is what Synergy WorldWide calls a real network marketing!
Welcome Party
The summit kicked off on Friday evening with
a lavish and warm welcome ceremony where we greeted Team Members from all 6
countries up stage. Accompanied by their respective flag bearers, Team Members
were invited to walk up the stage with pride and glory, each representing rising
leaders of Synergy WorldWide. Looking on at the sea of crowd in the Convention
Hall, one cannot help but feel mesmerized and awed by the grandeur and majesty of
such momentous evening, knowing surely that Synergy WorldWide is steadily
growing stronger and confidently making its mark in South East Asia.
Synergy Worldwide executive management gave heartening words of encouragement to all Team Members, thanking them for the growth in the South East Asia region. President Dan Norman, Regional Controller Lawrence Choo, and General Managers Erwin Dumalang and Suphaphong Jantaraweeragul welcomed and encouraged Team Members to continuously strive for growth in Synergy WorldWide.
What ensued subsequently is a series of interesting programs installed specially for our Team Members—a series of entertainment by their fellow Team Members. Each country prepared unique and special performances to showcase our diversity. From Thailand, Pearl Executive Pavita Intasiri took the stage and performed “RUM CHUI CHAI PRAM”, a classical traditional royal dance in Thailand. The hall quickly turned into a deafening silence, with Team Members watching attentively as Pavita Intasiri strode gracefully across the stage while traditional Thai music played in the background.
Other performances include live acoustic and
vocal performance by Indonesia, vocal performance in Bahasa Indonesia, Thai,
Vietnamese and Tagalog by Singapore, TOM TOM ethnic dance by Vietnam, and to
mark the end of our special performances, a Thai Blessing Dance from Thailand.
Day 2
On the next Saturday morning, we brought in
a pool of international experts to train our Team Members. The day was packed
with rigorous training programs by product experts, doctor’s interview, motivational
speeches by top leaders, and new product launches.
with International Experts

Session 3. Business sharing by international
leaders: We had some
special guests from Korea- Double Presidential Executives Hwang Yoon Tae and
Hwang Han Tae. Sharing their inspirational stories with our Team
Members, the Hwang brothers inspired and motivated Team Members to
continuously strive for success in Synergy.
Presidential Executives Dr. Hardjanto Anggahusada and M. Rasyid from Indonesia also took the stage to encourage and share with Team Members their keys to achieving success. Both Dr. Harjanto and Rasyid told Team Members to be bold and follow their dreams to succeed.
Session 4. Health Sharing by Thai Boxer Buakew
Bunchamek: Thailand
Muay-Thai Boxing sensation, Buakew Bunchamek attended the summit
to share with our Team Members his secret to a healthy and fit body.
Buakew Bunchamek is a former Omnoi Stadium champion and two time
K1 champion who has been in the ring for almost 22 years.
Rising Stars: The Recognition Evening
And perhaps the
highlight of the day was the Recognition Evening. Team Members who achieved new
rank advancement were invited up the stage to receive their pins and awards.
The highest rank was delivered to Thailand’s Ponpavit Wongprasert who just
achieved the Emerald Executive rank in October. During this star-studded
evening, other honourable mentions include Pearl Exectives Pavita Intasiri,
Nutthapol Maleewat and
Ua-arri Tornueng from Thailand as well as William Goh from Singapore.
The summit ended
with a beautiful performance by Khun-In, Narongrid Torsa-nga’s most famous Thai
music performer. He played the “Ranat”, a type of wooden xylophone indigenous
to Thailand.
In all, the 2012
Regional Summit was a great success. Team Members returned with greater passion
and enthusiasm, to continue their Synergy journey, and to ultimately leave a
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